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Questional Behaviour  -  Below is a list of people who to one degree or another actively try and stop Climate Change action for their own gain.



Climate Change will lead to large financial losses, property loss, deaths, armed conflicts, etc.


I suggest you start gathering evidence for future court cases or social jugdement.


Gina Rinhart

Tony Abbott


Bjorn Lomberg.

Has repeatedly made statements effectively saying to delay or minimize action and invest in new technology and other global problems.



The Koch brothers.

Have invested over $67 million in right wing Think Tanks that promote Climate Change denial.  Greenpeace


Alan Moran


Ian Pilmer.

Wrote a book called "Heaven and Earth" attempting to disprove Climate Change. The book has been widely critised and has hundreds of errors.




Alan Jones


Andrew Bolt



Greg Hunt

No way he isn't aware of the risks but tows the party line.


Fred Singer.

One of the players involved with the publicity campaigns downplaying the risks of Tobacco smoke, Ozone layer depletion and Climate Change.


Richard Linzen


Bob Carter.

Advisor to multiple groups denying Climate Change such as think tanks Heartland Institute, Galileo Movement and The IPA. On the payroll of the Heartland Institute who are funded by Exxon, Koch among others.





Crikey - Australia's dirty dozen


Heartland Institute

The Galileo Movement

Everybody running a fossil fuel company

The Liberal Party



Australia's biggest polluters

From the ACF. Upload the pdf.

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